Friday 26 March 2010

Gina Glover.

-> Chromosomes Take To The Sky. Glover has also created several images for IVF clinics inspired by images and concepts on the subject of assisted conception

->Sperm Morphology. These ties belong to staff members at the ACU and have been rearranged to show variations in human sperm structure

->Yes! Monthly test strips in which pregnancy is indicated by the presence of two blue lines. The title indicates the excitement of a positive result – eventually

->Chromosome Socks, displayed in the genetic department at Guys hospital in London

-> Donated Eggs, on show at the IVF clinic at Guy's hospital, London. These eggs were donated by assisted conception unit staff, family and friends. Guy's and St Thomas' Charity commissioned Glover's one-year residency at the Guy's and St Thomas' NHS foundation trust ACU

Gina Glover is a photographer and artist that makes interesting artwork.
Here is some stuff she has done to do with DNA ; chromosomes, IVF etc.

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