Friday 30 April 2010

Finalised ThumbPrint Poster (Moms)

As in previous posts, this is again the final design but he has lines in to add to the effect of fingerprints. It has the same amount of information in but now it looks a lot more like a fingerprint.

Thursday 29 April 2010

Mitchy Boy & Ikon Gallery Xhibitions.

So as part of contextual studies, we have been going around to some exhibitions to see different work from artists.
One of the interesting ones we have been to is by artist Mitchy Bwoi. He does alot of work with colour, and contours. & his work is bright and bold, and has typeography in it sometimes. His exhibition was in the Sauce Gallery @ Custard Factory.

Here are some xamples of his work:

Here is some stuff from the Ikon Gallery. Stuff done by various artists:

Wednesday 28 April 2010

A Final POster..Created Using My Moms Thumb Print.

Moms thumb print:

This is one of the final designs i have produced. Im happy with the colours, and also the text on there. On the fingerprint itself it just has references to fingerprints and information about it. The body text is Verdna, and i used this because its a writing with good spacing between letters and readable, all the other designs will have different body text in there.
I think this shows difference in the posters.
Overall there is going to be fine, and im keeping to a pastel tone colour shceme.
Also i took note of some comments made on them, and made them look alot more like fingerprints by putting more ridges and lines in the design.

Friday 23 April 2010

Type Design.

This is a design that i have made. This design is based an actual fingerprint, it was one of mine. The information included in it is random stuff about me. To fill up the typeography on it.

I stuck with a blue, background and kept to a minimal theme.

Monday 19 April 2010

Plan for final pieces.

Now i have started looking at the comparison with the fingerprints, when i collect my brothers and my dads, i will start to make tyepography posters based on the shapes in the fingerprnt. In previous posts i have posted work that is a type on a fingerprint, but now i can examine how fingerprints look properly, using the information from my family and create some really good posters. I still have not thought about what to include in the type itself, has previously i have included stuff about the DNA database. But i will see how this plans out.

Friday 16 April 2010

Families Fingerprints..

Here is just a print of my mom's and mine right hand. Done with red ink. There are three lots of rubbings, all from the same hand just was comparing how much ink gave you the most clear print. And it was the 2nd row of fingerprints.

Here is when the comparison for the final project is happening. I have took the thumb print of my mum and me and placed it together to see what i can see is similiar between them both.

Sisters (right and left hand prints) :

Fingerprints (The Interesting Bit..)

Fingerprint ridges (patterns) start to develop during three to four month of the fetal development, the point of the ridges develping is so that its easier to gain grip of objects when older. The friction that the ridges cause on the fingers, aloows the ridges to arrange themselves in more or less regular patterns with the ridge patterns. All fingerprints have a unique combination and arrangement of patterns and ridge characteristics. The patterns of friction ridges, that are created, contain rows of sweat pores that allow sweat and or oil to exit from glands. Sweat mixed with other body oils and dirt produces fingerprints on smooth surfaces.

No two fingerprints have ever been discovered to be alike, not even on identical twins, even though fingerprints are very similiar in familes, but they are not inherited. Fingerprints cannot be altered or changed, even when scar tissue is created the skin that grows back will produce the same pattern.

If it has been proved that families fingerprints do look similar, then how closley similiar do they resemble each other?

Fingerprint identification:
In order for indentification to be made with fingerprints, with crimes and other things, certain things have to match. They have to have a similiar or same amount of fingerprint ridges to be matched up.
Fingerprint identification is assesed with three levels. Level one being the ridges flow and the layout of the ridges, there not extact way of finding out but they can help to exclude certain people from fingerprint enquiries. Level 2 is ridge characteristics and placement and this can allow a individual to be matched, and level 3 looks at the angle of the paths, width, shape, pores, edge contours, breaks, scars and cuts and this can lead to prosecutions.

Here is an example of level three identification:

Different Types Of Fingerprints.

Everyone has unique fingerprints. Whether thy are simple loop, arch, whorl and double loop. Most of these patterns high easily determined just by looking at your own finger but in the main catogries there is sub catogries to a finger print patter such as:
- plain arch
- tented arch

- radial loop
- Ulnar loop

Whorl:- Plain whorl
- Central pocket whorl
- double loop whorl
- accidental whorl

Saturday 3 April 2010

Feed Nite. 01.03.10

Okay so this has nothing to do with the DNA final project, but i just wanted to comment, on the night. The arhcitecture company Make came in and it was a really good night. The way in which the company guy, did the presentation was very different, he used visuals to show us what he meant rather then just stand there and talk.

There architecture is beautiful and interesting and they have some very intricate designs that looks stunning. They possibilities are endless for them. Its great to see a unqiue company.

Overall a good night.


Friday 2 April 2010

Gattaca (:

On Thursday we watched a movie called Gattaca. It ws based on a theme of DNA and human genetics. The movie itself was very very good. At the start it was very slow paced, and you didnt really know what was happening, but as it gradually got further in the movie the plot came to the surface. There was this guy who was knowen as an 'invalid' and this was because he was born naturally, and from that natural birth they were able to determain what problems he will have in life e.g heart diseas etc and his brother found it hard to except beacuse he was a 'valid' person born in a not normal way. The invalid guy takes on a roll of a valid person, and he becomse him. The 'valid' guy gives the 'invalid' guy blood, urine and also sweat and other bodily fluids, this is so he can take on the identity of the 'valid' guy for a job on a space shuttle. Its a very good film, and i really liked it and it really has put in perspective what DNA and genes can really mean, and what they can create.
Here below are screen shots of the most defining moments in the movie.